Partners & Sponsors

Public organizations


EFCE_logo.png sfgp_logo_10cm.jpeg cnrs.png inp_toulouse.png
IMT_Mines_Albi.png LGC_logo_WEB.png RAPSODEE.jpeg OC_1706_instit_logo_carre_quadri_150x150_72dpi.png


Industrial sponsors


Netzsch SUGINO_logo_new.png  mei_quality_2.jpg


ESCC2022 is expected to be organized under the auspices of sponsors.

If you wish to participate to the Sponsorship and/or Exhibition program of the Conference, please download this prosptectus and contact ESCC 2022 secretariat.

Marlène PAULY - GIAMPORCARO– +33 (0)5 34 32 31 12


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